Gofocus Centres
GoFocus Learning Centres has Franchises all over South Africa.
Success Stories
See what our parents have to say about the GoFocus programme.
About GoFocus Learning Centres

Our Specialities


Focusing and Concentration


The GoFocus programme covers comprehension that builds essential cognitive and reading skills. Learners will learn to use their long term memory when reading.

Telling Time

Learn age appropriate punctuation, how to read making use of punctuation marks.

Pronunciation definition, the act or result of producing the sounds of speech, including articulation, stress and intonation.

Sight words
It typically refers to the set of about 100+ words that keep reappearing on almost any page of text – the words that visual learners usually find difficult to read.
Success Stories
What our parents have to say about GoFocus:
My review is that this program is professionally designed. It is mainly learner centered and is grade specific. This program is stimulant. It helps children to concentrate hence you can almost see the immediate improvement in children.
The program has made such a huge impact on the education of the children at the village as well as the the community around us. Almost every child who has been through the program has improved academically.
This program is enriching.
From an existing GoFocus Franchise:
As jy ‘n passie het om leerders te help wat alreeds die moeilike sy van akademie beleef het, dan is GoFocus die regte keuse.
My grootste bevrediging is om te sien hoe ‘n kind ontwikkel, weer in homself glo en sy akademie met moed aanpak. Of as ‘n kind met ‘n van-oor-tot-oor glimlag, rapport in die hand, inkom en sê: ” Tannie, ek het vir die eerste keer bo 50% vir al my vakke sonder dat iemand in die eksamen vir my moes lees en skryf. Ek het dit self gedoen!”
Ons gee vir die ouers weer hoop(nadat hulle alreeds so baie goed probeer het en nie werklik verbetering in die kinders se resultate ervaar het nie). By GoFocus geld verseker: “If I can not learn the way you teach, then teach me the way I learn!”
Elke kind is vir my ‘n persoonlike uitdaging en hulle oorwinnings (verbetering) voel soos my eie, persoonlike oorwinnings.
Freda Grobler
GoFocus Nelspruit
Ek kan werklik GoFocus aanbeveel vir enige kind wat sukkel op skool, veral met lees en begrip. My seun se skoolpunte was so sleg dat ek bevrees was dat hy die jaar sou druip.
Ek het GoFocus Nelspruit se hulp ingeroep en hulle het agtergekom dat hy ‘n leesprobleem het. Die eerste keer wat hulle hom getoets het, het hy so gestres oor hy moes lees dat hy in sweet uitgeslaan het. Hy het hy meer as 20 foute in ‘n paragraaf van ses lyne gemaak en het geen idee gehad wat hy gelees het nie.
Dis nou amper ‘n jaar later en kan hy ‘n A4 bladsy lees met 2 foute op en het meer as 80% begrip van dit wat hy gelees het.
Sy skool punte het verbeter en ek kan nou rustiger slaap saans.
Baie dankie vir die wonderlike diens wat julle lewer!!
“We noticed improvement within the first month!”
With the GoFocus Programme this Learner’s Afrikaans marks improved from 50% – 73%.
My child is now confident, motivated and he is much more talkative and communication is better. We saw a remarkable change within 3 months of him attending GoFocus.
Vreeslik dankie vir GoFocus Rooihuiskraal wat my dogter gehelp het!
As an educator I am very aware of the academic challenges many students face these
days. A learner suffering from ADD/ADHD, dyslexia and other learning
challenges can benefit tremendously from Gofocus.
I have experienced first hand the results a child with academic challenges can
achieve after attending only a few Gofocus classes. Not only am I
witnessing great improvement in their marks, but more importantly they seem to
have a genuine interest and focus in their work. This also leads to an increase
in self-confidence as learners realize that they CAN be and ARE achievers.
Gofocus has changed my students’ attitudes toward school. They enjoy learning and being
challenged and look forward to receiving results. They are happy and
confident and no longer see school as a burden. As an educator, what more could
you ask for?
Incredible improvement in the learning subjects for this dyslexic learner – she can now study on her own and understand and remember what she studied.
Improvement in a learner’s spelling tests in less than 3 months
Results of a severely dyslexic child:
The first picture shows the results of his spelling words after two days of copying and trying to learn the words, the second picture shows the results after he has spent half an hour learning the words with the GoFocus Spelling Techniques. The third picture shows the results of his spelling test 3 days later – he could still remember the spelling!!